Building and Managing
Your Wealth Starts
with Investipal

Investipal equips you with all the tools and resources you need to create, diversify, manage, and track your investment portfolios, so you can confidently stretch your money further and secure your long-term wealth.
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Invest with Confidence

Use your AI-powered Portfolio Builder to research investments and access existing portfolios that you can replicate for yourself.
Everyone has their own goals and interests—we get that. That’s why Investipal is designed to work for novice and expert investors alike. Get access to over 10,000 North American stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Build and test your own combination, leverage our custom stock portfolio builder, or use pre-built portfolios to curate an intelligent portfolio that’s customized for you. Once you’re comfortable with your portfolio, you can take that information and purchase stocks and ETFs like you normally would through your brokerage.

Become Your Own Expert Portfolio Manager

Take control of your investments by managing and tracking your portfolio with ease.
With Investipal, you can easily create and manage all your investment portfolios in one place. Take advantage of advanced analytics and in-depth portfolio insights to see how your virtual portfolios are performing in the real world and then adjust in seconds, so you can better manage risk. Plus, you can set your notifications to be alerted of any changes you need to know, including portfolio returns, portfolio volatility, and more.

Collaborative Investing at Your Fingertips

Connect, share, and compare your investments in real-time.
Want to see what Warren Buffet is investing in? or how your portfolios stack up against your friends and family? Get inspired through shared portfolios on Investipal. Live portfolio tracking means you’ll be alerted of any changes in your subscribed portfolios. You can also invite friends, share your portfolios, and compete to see whose investments are yielding the highest return. Who said investments have to be boring?

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Your Investments

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