Easily create and manage hyper-personalized portfolios across public equities and alternative assets in a matter of seconds - at scale. Transparent explanations mitigate "black box" risks.
Helping advisory firms across North America accelerate their growth
Scalable Personalization, Powered By Your Investment Universe
Upload your investment universe and let AI do the heavy lifting. Deliver truly customized portfolios for every client mandate while maintaining your edge—transforming weeks of analysis into minutes of execution.
Customize Your Engine
Start by uploading your investment universe - from public equities to alternative assets. Our AI engine analyzes historical performance, correlations, sector exposures, and factor sensitivities to build a sophisticated understanding of your investment landscape.
Generate Optimized Portfolios
Generate institutional-grade portfolios instantly. Our engine optimizes across multiple dimensions—from risk-return objectives to tax efficiency—while adhering to your specific mandates and client preferences.
Analyze and Fine-Tune
Unlike black-box solutions, we show our work. Get clear, detailed explanations for every allocation decision, run comprehensive stress tests, and fine-tune using institutional-grade analytics before implementation.
Monitor and Maintain
Stay ahead of drift with intelligent monitoring. Receive actionable alerts when portfolios need rebalancing, along with suggested adjustments that keep you aligned with mandates while minimizing unnecessary turnover.
Hyper-Personalization, Automated
Free up your time to spend on higher-value activities.
Time saved
Hours saved on portfolio construction and analysis
We’re deeply committed to integrating cutting-edge technology to transform the financial planning and investment management landscape. Investipal’s innovative approach aligns perfectly with our vision to streamline processes to elevate the client and advisor experience.