Create and manage all your investment portfolios with ease. Institutional-grade analytics, risk management tools, scenario analysis and out-of-the-box optimizations allow you to invest with confidence - all in one place.
Deploy quantitative risk management tools like backtesting, stress-testing and rebalancing to effortlessly optimize your portfolio.
Discover other portfolios from famous investors and other Investipal users to get inspiration, learn and compete.
Get robust portfolio analytics and insights over 20 risk indicators, and take a more proactive approach to managing risk.
Research all North American stocks, ETFs and mutual funds to build the perfect portfolio for each client.
Understand your portfolio's risk and return characteristics.
Asset allocation explains 90% of portfolio returns. Investipal helps you go beyond investment selection by also understanding how to optimally allocate towards those assets.
Optimize, backtest and stress test portfolios with our quantitatively driven portfolio rebalancing including minimum volatility, risk parity and Sharpe Ratio optimal portfolios.
Discover and track other portfolios, and share your own. Gain inspiration, learn and compete.
Integrate with your brokerage for seamless execution, enabling you to manage your entire portfolio from one place, saving time and effort.
Discover your unique risk profile and identify how your portfolio matches with that, so that you can align towards your financial goals more confidently.
Experience the utmost confidence in your data with Secure Shield. Our robust security measures ensure that your information is protected.
Source inspiration, follow top portfolios and benchmark your performance with powerful portfolio collaboration software.
Powerful portfolio analytics and risk management tools make it easy to build and manage all of your investments like a pro, in one place.
Investipal is hyper-focused on helping wealth managers build more personal relationships with their clients via personalized portfolio construction and client onboarding
Investipal works with firms across the wealth landscape including investment managers, financial planners and private investment council's in the US and Canada.
Investipal has a fully encrypted platform that minimizes the PII collected from your clients. For more information, check out our Security Page.
Investipal partners with all of our clients to build new functionality directly from pain-points you're experiencing and helps identify other areas we or are partners can assist with including marketing and technological support.
Investipal has integrations with hundreds of brokerages and has direct integrations with other software providers, along with an API that can be connected to other solutions you currently leverage
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Curious how Investipal can help accelerate your firm's growth? Chat with one of our solution experts.